Gardening Faith-in-Action Team

How lovely do the gardens look as you walk towards the front entrance at ERMUC, or gaze out the tall sanctuary windows, or walk along The Pathway of Remembrance and Celebration overlooking Collins Bay.  Our beautification took a major leap in 2012 with the addition of eight new garden beds by Fred Jones, our “master gardener”.  In the last couple of years, each garden now has “an owner”, each of whom maintains one of these gardens. Thanks to our Gardening Faith-in-Action Team, under the coordination of Jean Barna, all can enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer. Your support would be very welcome as we continue to share our experiences at the ‘Church by the Bay’. Contact the gardeners using the contact form.

In October 2019 a new Spruce tree was planted on the East side of the church, thanks to a dedicated gardening team. We hope this tree will be a focus for our Christmas decorations in years to come.