Meditation: Imagine by Florence Niven

Celebrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – this month and every month.

Imagine if we looked at the world through rose coloured glass, and led with kindness rather than fear. Would that be a bad thing?

Imagine if our conversations and interactions started from a place of acceptance and empathy rather than judgement and assumption.

Imagine if we stepped back and took a breath before making accusations, or lashing out in anger, or pushing send. Just stepped back. And took a deep cleansing breath. And praised God for the blessing that makes each of us a unique part of the Whole.






colour me in tints of kindness
filtered light of empathy
highlights of compassion
aqua and lilac and sage

render me with tender marks of longing
subtle shades of remembrance
haunting hues of loss
mauve and chartreuse and peach

paint me with bold strokes of tolerance
bodacious accents of inclusivity
saturated pigments of audacity
magenta and crimson and emerald


teach me through the painting
teach me through the process



splatters of judgment, self-doubt, bitterness
slate and umber and rust
teach me the lessons
that I might create

with sensitivity

colour me with honesty
render me with humility
paint me with imagination
and stagnation
and laughter
and tears
and contentment
and anger
and friendship
and loneliness

discern the teachings of the under painting


colour me with tints of kindness
filtered light of empathy
highlights of compassion
aqua and lilac and sage                                             – Florence Niven